Sunday, October 5, 2008

Letters to Slimmy, Chapter 6

What's poppin' there, Slimmy? Did you happen to see me tonight? Did you see how good I was? Did your cold, cold heart burn with envy? It's too bad, isn't it Slim? Too late for you to enjoy it now, huh? Oh, how I still wish things could've been different, but we both know that will never, ever happen again. You always thought you were irreplaceable, but the truth is that there was always someone better out there. Someone smarter, someone funnier...someone legal! HA! Laugh with me, Slimmy, for there's nothing you can do about it now. Where's it headed, you ask? Only the Good Lord above knows, and I leave it in His very capable hands. I'm just going to enjoy it while I have it. No worries about callous words or pounding fists. No worries about distrust or dishonesty. It feels GOOD for once, Slimmy. It makes me HAPPY, which is an emotion I haven't felt in its true sense in a long time. You took alot from me, Slim, but you can't take this feeling from me. All you can do now is watch, and weep. Ironic how the tables have turned. How I was the one weeping as I helplessly watched you destroy everything we had, knowing if I fought to keep it all together, you'd hold me back even more. I guess everything really does happen for a reason. What you put me through really did make me stronger, and for that I suppose I should thank you. So from the bottom of my heart I thank you for being the domineering, pompous dolt that you were. It enabled me to pick myself up and put me back on that pedestal, and shine like the star that I am. Sweet dreams, Slimmy boy, sweet dreams...