Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Letters to Slimmy, Chapter 34

hey slim. what a day i've had. it's been a day filled with freak outs. i'm freaking out about this, freaking out about that. i'm freaking out, man. but whatever. i'm tired, and i'm giving my freak outs away. i can't handle them anymore. other than that, things have been busy. did you notice how creative i've been? this would've burned you, i'm sure, but i have no worries about that now. in the past, baby. i'm doing me now. haha.

so i've been having all these weird dreams with you in them. some are very vivid, light last night's, others are vague and fleeting. they make no sense as far as i can conclude. but i guess if i go back and really think about it i might see clues to my subsconcious. don't know.

anyway, they're the same with you-know-who being a you-know-what. is this supposed to make me stronger? are there clues there, too? i'm trying to stop and listen...there's got to be a message here somewhere. i'll keep listening.

see ya later.
