Sunday, September 7, 2008

Letters to Slimmy, Chapter 5

Alright, Slim, for the moment I'm going to let down my guard and engage in a little heart-to-heart with you. Now don't go getting your pearly white shorts all in a twist about it as my nostalgic mindset is only temporary. Oftentimes I daydream about those long weekends we spent holed up doing absolutely nothing but laying about in front of the television, watching rerun after rerun. Do you remember those weekends, Slim? Those were the good old days, huh? When you thought of me as your best lady who you could turn to when you needed to retreat from the chaos of that hard-knock life you so loved to live? Ah, what I wouldn't give to be that lady again. I know I could never be your lady again, but is it so far-fetched of me to think someone else could think of me that way? I was so good to you back then...waiting on you hand and foot, fulfilling your every need. I miss that, Slim. I miss loving and caring for someone so much that I didn't think twice when I was asked for something, no matter how trivial the request. It was pure pleasure to be at your disposal. I need to be needed like that again, Slim. To feel like there's a purpose somewhere in the midst of all this confusion. To know that somewhere, someone needs me. They need the warmth of my body next to theirs in order to feel safe. Just as you needed mine and I needed yours. Do you think that's a possibility for me, Slim, or am I just holding on to a ghost from a dream?

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