Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Letters to Slimmy, Chapter 15

Hey Slim,

Well as you can see, alot has been happening with me. Some exciting stuff, some mediocre stuff, and some real heart breaking stuff. I've come to the realization that I need to accept life unconditionally. It is what it is, and I must accept things as they come. Make the best of things as they are, and try my damndest to live life to the fullest. It's easier said than done, I know, but I need to trust in the Creator and let Him guide my path. You know I gave up religion years ago, Slim, but I still consider myself to be spiritual. I pray, though not as often as I should. Maybe the time has come for me to sit and have a good long talk with that great God in the sky, put all my worries and cares in His hands, and let Him do with them as He pleases. Father knows best, right? So...I'd love to get your take on all that's been happening. What do you think of my plans and goals and dreams and hopes? I still have dreams you know, Slimmy. I dream of success and happiness. I dream that someday all of the heartache and sorrow will be so far behind me...a distant, faded memory not worth the time or energy it takes to dwell on it, not even for a second. I dream that my broken, shattered heart will mend completely and I will once again feel whole and complete. I dream that all the suffering and misery will make way to contentment and peace. Tell me it's possible, Slim. Tell me I'm not holding on to hope that isn't really there. Tell me that through all of the darkness and struggles and hardships there is light and I just need to keep reaching for it. I desperately need to know that, Slim. I need to know that all of this will make me stronger and wiser. I need to know my dreams will come true.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is a tremendous amount of hope. Don't try to make a go at recovery alone. Find people you can talk to in person. Keep writing. Getting in touch with God is a wonderful idea. He can help you in ways that you cannot possibly imagine.