Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Letters to Slimmy, Chapter 22

Hi Slim,

Well, so much for keeping up with my writing. Lately I'm a warrior fighting many, many battles. A one-woman army if you will. And I'm getting hit from all sides. It's exhausting and I'm thisclose to raising the white flag in surrender. But will I? You know, Slim, I keep getting told what a "strong" woman I am considering all that I've been through. Oh, if those people only knew the half of it. But one thing's for sure and that is I don't feel so strong. I may appear strong on the outside, but inside my spirit is broken and my will is waning. ("Where it's at! I got 2 turntables and a microphone".....thank the heavens for Beck. hehe) As I was saying, I feel increasingly weak day by day. I'll be nothing more than an empty shell pretty soon! Ugh, I don't know Slim. What's to become of me, hmmm? I push on and on and on...and speaking of which I need to get back to my orders (biz is really picking up thanks to him). I guess being busy pushes that white flag further down.

I miss you, Slim. But then again, I don't.


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