Sunday, June 8, 2008

Letters to Slimmy, Chapter 2

Hey Slim,

This chapter won't make you weep, Slim....just the opposite. You'll be happy to know that your dying wish came true. Do you remember what you said to me that night in your fit of rage? Well, the Master granted your wish and brought your words to reality in a big, big way. Driving me "nuts" was putting it mildly my dear man. Each and every day is a struggle where my patience is pushed so far to the limit that I teeter precariously on the brink of total insanity. How I am able to push on through it all is a sheer mystery to me. It's way more than I can bear, Slim, and it's a miracle I'm still around to tell about it. Oftentimes I wonder why it was you instead of me that had to go. What did I do to deserve this? Why oh why was I chosen to endure the sorrow, the heartache, the misery? In my mind's eye I see you, jumping up and down with utter glee over the fact that he's picked up where you left off. Does it warm your cold heart, Slimmy, knowing your disdain lives on, continuing to cause so much pain that it numbs my soul? Is that your laughter I hear in the faraway rumble of thunder? Are you happy over there knowing that I'm here living in the personal prison you so painstakingly built for me all those years ago? One day I'll break free, Slim, and I'll know the sweet peace your world brings.

Stay tuned, my love. I have so much more to say to you.

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