Friday, May 30, 2008

Letters to Slimmy, Chapter 1

My dearest Slimmy,

I dreamt of you last night. A rather disturbing dream, as all dreams of you have been lately. I was about to leave you, walk away forever, when I turned back around, looked you dead in the eye and said "Fight for me." More than anything I wanted you to fight to keep me around so that I could love you and care for you always. You meant the world to me, Slim. I would've hung the moon or moved mountains if you asked me to. Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight, Slim, and I was worth having so you should have fought and fought hard. I was always yours to win, you knew that, yet you never saw me for what I was worth. The one who sat quietly on the side in front of others, but in private lavished you with more love than even I realized I was capable of. You were worth it to me, so why was it so hard for you to reciprocate? All those years ago I gave myself completely to you and you chewed me up and spit me out but I put myself back together, my spirit broken and bruised, and gave myself to you over and over again. I saw more in you than you saw in yourself. A woman like that is a rare find, Slim, and now you'll never find it again. Lost forever is your chance to be loved.

There's many more chapters to this saga, my dear, so sit back and relax in your other world and get ready to read them and weep. Weep for what could have been, and what I pray will one day be mine again.

With all my love.....

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